Michigan’s Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment Landscape

By Mimi Howard, Angela Farwig, Samantha Gray Keen, Maya Manning, Soumya Bhat

This Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment (CEE) Landscape seeks to provide an overview of coordinated eligibility and enrollment and how it is being successfully implemented in local communities in Michigan, as well as in other states. The report focuses on key principles and elements of CEE and provides examples that show how these can be applied on the ground in communities, as well as key considerations both for the state and for communities as they work to advance coordinated eligibility and enrollment.

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SRC Contributors

Advisor for Strategy and Systems

Soumya Bhat
Principal Associate

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We're educators, researchers, play enthusiasts, data nerds, parents of children, pets, and plants (sometimes all three!), and much more. Many backgrounds, one purpose: fostering the potential of all children.


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